Knitting the Notes

God knits man in his mother’s womb, slowly and wisely. Art should be born in a similar way.

– Arvo Pärt

That was the line I heard this week from Arvo Pärt, the Estonian composer of classical and religious music. It could have easily been said by Steinway Artist & composer Chad Lawson, the man responsible for all the music you hear on Dwell. Lawson, like Pärt, is the kind of craftsman who knits his notes together slowly and wisely. And when you hear his compositions while listening to Scripture, it always has the effect of drawing you to the heart behind the text. How that happens is hard to articulate, but there’s a genuine spiritual quality to the music he writes. 

This month he’s composed four new tracks in our Piano & Cello genre. They’re soothing, quiet, and potent—and we’re releasing them inside Dwell today:

Before Thee
Humbly Yours
My Father’s House
Surrounded By Grace

To include them in your listening experience, simply change the music genre inside the app by tapping on the music 🎵 icon in the bottom right corner of the Player. Then choose Piano & Cello. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do. But more than that, we hope they lead you into a greater wonder and deeper intimacy with the Life behind the Bible: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.