Create Your Own Playlist

The Christian life is highly communal and deeply personal.

We are invited to live daily in the tension of these two realities. If we dismiss or downplay our life with other believers, faith can easily become narcissistic and navel-gazing, lacking regular interaction with trusted women and men with whom we share life and encourage one another towards faithful living. On the other hand, we cannot expect the community of faith to do all the work for us, carrying us along, without any personal investment in our faith journey. No, the way of the cross and the blessing of resurrection life must be applied to the specifics of our stories.

You are the only one who can live your life. Only you can make daily decisions to live a courageous story that finds its fulfillment in the grand narrative of God. The call to humility and self-giving love is universal, yet these values are embodied and embraced in the intimate details of your unique existence.

Though Dwell cannot capture the full range of the Christian experience (nor do we try!), we do long for this app to give expression to these two values: communal formation and a personal encounter of our living Lord.

Since our launch in 2017, we have curated hundreds of shared plans, playlists, and passages. We have invited you to read Scripture in communal ways, such as daily readings from different Christian traditions, a Bible-in-a-Year challenge, or a collection of passages around a single theme. And while these resources will continue to grow and expand, today we are extending a complimentary invitation: create your own personal playlists using Dwell.

Simple as it may sound, in launching this new Create Your Own Playlist feature, we are opening up the entire Dwell platform for customization and personalized expression. Whether you want to create a custom list of verses to memorize or meditate upon, research a specific topic of faith that is on your heart and mind, or even create a custom reading plan to share with a small group of friends or family, there is no limit to the number of ways you can integrate this feature into your personal walk with the Lord.

Our life with Christ is wonderfully corporate and intimately personal, and now with Dwell you can embody this beautiful mystery as you create space to daily encounter God through his Word.