12 New Ways to Read Your Bible in 2024

The Bible is living and active (Hebrews 4:12), and can always bring us fresh insight, conviction, and perspective. Still, sometimes we need a strategy that can help us engage and connect with the Word of God in a deeper way.

2024 may just be your opportunity to refresh your Bible-reading approach. In the following article, we’ll cover 12 innovative methods for your devotional reading.

Whether you are a long-time Bible reader or just starting, these strategies can help you grow in knowledge and relationship with Jesus.

12 New Ways to Read Your Bible in 2024

  1. Digital Devotions: Embracing Technology

    Think beyond scrolling through Scripture. New Bible technology is making it possible to take in the Word of God in a whole new way–incorporating music and visuals with the Bible for a more tailored, richer experience. Ultimately, this can help you stay focused and tuned in, so that the “still small voice” of God has more opportunity to break through the hustle and bustle of daily life.

  2. Audio Bibles: Listen On-the-Go

    Audio Bibles, such as the Dwell Bible app, are perfect for those with busy lifestyles or who are more auditory learners. Listen to scriptures while commuting, exercising, or doing daily chores. This is a great way to integrate the Bible into your everyday life!

  3. Journaling Bibles: Reflect and Write

    Journaling Bibles, with margins for notes and reflections, encourage a more interactive reading experience. They provide space to jot down thoughts, questions, or insights, personalizing your reading (or if you’re more of an artist, doodle in the margins!)

  4. Visual Bible Study: Engaging with Imagery

    For visual learners, illustrated Bibles or studies that use art and imagery can make complex passages more understandable and memorable–remember, this might be a hard copy Bible or a digital Bible.

  5. Thematic Reading Plans: Focused Learning

    Try thematic reading plans that focus on specific topics like mercy, justice, women in the Bible, or relationships. This strategy breaks free from chronological reading and helps you dive deeper into topics that might be piquing your interest or curiosity.

  6. Community Reading: Shared Insights

    Joining a Bible study group or forming one can offer diverse perspectives and insights, bringing Scripture to life in new ways. Encourage discussion, ask questions, and open up “harder” passages–you may learn insights from someone you never expected!

  7. Historical Context Study: Diving into the Past

    Studying the historical and cultural contexts of biblical times can be an incredible way to gain new insight on the Word of God. For example, the cultural significance of Jesus speaking to a Canaanite woman at the well can open up the story of John 4 in a whole new way.

  8. Multilingual Exploration: Exploring in Different Languages

    If you’re bilingual or learning a new language, try reading the Bible in that language. It can offer fresh nuances and a deeper appreciation of the texts.

  9. Bible Apps with Interactive Features: Making Study Fun

    If you’re competitive or goals-driven, Dwell makes it easy to track your listening time and set reminders that keep you engaged and help you stay on track with your Bible listening aims.

  10. Mindful Reading: Savoring Each Word

    Slow, mindful reading of the Bible allows you to ponder each verse and let the words resonate deeply. This is also called lectio divina and can be a profound way to let the Word of God speak.

  11. Scripture Memorization Challenges: Keeping the Word Close

    Challenge yourself to memorize scriptures. This practice deepens your understanding and can help solidify truth in a powerful way.

  12. Bible Reading Retreats: Dedicated Time for Reflection

    Attending or organizing a Bible reading retreat offers an immersive environment to connect with the Word of God. Retreats can help you slow down, turn down the volume, and reflect on Scripture without the distractions of your everyday life.

Think Outside the Box

God is creative! In 2024, thinking outside the box often involves using technology to grow in spiritual disciplines like reading the Bible. Believe it or not, your smartphone doesn’t have to distract you from Jesus…it can bring you closer when used in the right way!

But don’t limit technology to your devotional life–digital tools can also be used to give to the local Church, connect with your small group, and more. Tithely offers a full suite of tech tools that make engaging with the local church easier and more convenient than ever. Learn more here.