Finding Focus for Bible Reading in a Hectic World

In our fast-paced, technology-driven world, finding time and focus for Bible reading can be a significant challenge. The distractions are many, and the demands on our time seem endless. However, engaging with the Bible remains a vital practice for any follower of Jesus.
Here’s how you can carve out space in your busy life for this important discipline.
Set a Specific Time and Place
Consistency is key. Choose a time and place where you are least likely to be disturbed. It could be early in the morning before the day’s activities begin, or perhaps in the evening when the house is quiet. The important thing is to have a set time and place that signals to your mind and body, “This is Bible reading time.”
Minimize Distractions
Turn off your phone, or put it on “Do Not Disturb” mode. If you are reading on a digital device, try using apps that block other distracting apps or notifications. Let your family or housemates know that this is your uninterrupted time.
Embrace Structure
Some of us love the discipline and order of a structured Bible-reading routine. Others? Not so much. Still, some structure is key when trying to remain focused on the Word of God. Here are a few tips.
Incorporate it into Your Daily Routine
Incorporate Bible reading into your existing daily habits. For instance, if you have a morning routine of drinking coffee, read a few verses during that time. Linking Bible reading with a habit you already have makes it easier to remember and maintain–think Jesus-centered habit-stacking!
Use a Reading Plan
Having a structured reading plan can provide direction and prevent the feeling of not knowing where to start. There are many plans available – from one-year Bibles to thematic studies. Choose one that aligns with your interests and schedule.
Join a Bible Study Group
Community can add much-needed structure and accountability to your Bible reading. Joining a study group can provide motivation and deeper insight as you talk about the Scriptures with others.
Use Technology (Wisely)
Smartphones can certainly be a source of distraction, but they can also be a great tool for staying focused on the Bible. Here are a couple of ways to use technology to dive deeper into Scripture.
Listen to the Bible
When reading isn’t feasible, listen to the Bible instead. Audio Bibles, such as the Dwell Bible app, are a great way to engage with Scripture while on the go, or while you’re doing chores around the house.
Lean into Creative Technology
It’s 2024, folks. That means that we’ve got technology that can create a creative, immersive experience around the experience of reading the Bible–all from your smartphone. To learn more about how Dwell can help you engage more with the Word through visuals, music, and more, click here.
Engage Your Mind + Heart
Half the battle of finding focus is making sure your heart and mind are engaged in the task at hand. Here are a couple of tips for getting centered before, after, and during your Bible reading.
Start with Prayer
Before you begin reading, take a moment to pray. This can be as simple as praying, God, would you open my heart and mind to understand your Word? This simple act can set the tone for a devotional time–however short or long–that remains in a posture of prayer.
Try Meditative Music
For some of us, music can be a helpful tool for remaining focused on Scripture and drawing us into a deeper experience. The Dwell app comes with original music that’s tailored to specific Scripture passages–a powerful way to stay keyed into your reading!
Reflect and Apply
After reading, take a moment to reflect on how the passage applies to your life. If you like to journal, jot down a few thoughts, questions, and prayers.
Be Patient: Focus is a Journey
As you practice growing in more focused Bible study, be patient with yourself! No one masters a perfect discipline of Bible reading overnight. Integrate a few of these practices into your life and keep at it. A deeper, richer experience of the Scriptures is just around the corner!
Speaking of spiritual disciplines, the practice of giving is also an area of growth for many followers of Jesus. Tithely is an online giving platform that makes generosity to your local church simple, fast, and easy. To learn more about Tithely, click here.