Read Along
As human beings, our ability to engage the world through our senses is a mystery and a miracle.
All five—sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell—truly are a gift from God that allow us to experience the world he has created. They also play a part in helping us come to know and encounter our Creator and Lord. As such, we should strive to direct the whole of our being towards God and our abiding life with him.
Here’s sort of an odd question: When was the last time you thought about using multiple senses to encounter the Lord in his word? Another question, perhaps not so odd: What if you could train your senses to work together towards the goal of transformation?
Dwell was founded on the conviction that Christians must revive the ancient practice of listening to the word of God. Hearing God’s word read was quite literally the only way Christians learned and received the Scriptures for centuries. Yet as the printing press brought book ownership to the masses, the pendulum swung the other way, and personal reading replaced listening. But isn’t it often the case that wisdom comes from a “both/and” rather than “either/or” approach?
As we launch Read Along, Dwell is proud to embrace multisensory engagement with Scripture.
In addition to listening “on the go,” your time in Scripture can now be reinforced and enhanced as you read along with Dwell. In fact, studies have shown that recall is significantly greater when listening and reading are combined, as opposed to simply relying on one over the other. In short, a multisensory approach leads to quicker and deeper learning.
While Dwell will always champion the listening experience, with the release of Read Along, we celebrate the gift of reading, and the power that comes from combining the two!
As you use Read Along, in a small yet significant way, you take an intentional step towards the integrated and full life our Lord invites us to discover!