Meet the Guides: Tripp Prince

Get to know the team behind Dwell Daily, our all-new biblical devotional for spiritual transformation, available exclusively in the the Dwell app!


Tripp Prince serves as the Head of Formation at Dwell. Prior to this, he worked for over a decade as a pastor in parishes across the United States. He holds a master’s degree from Regent College, as well as a doctorate from Nashotah House Theological Seminary. Additionally, he is currently studying ancient Christianity at the Antiochian House of Studies. Tripp, his wife Rachel, and their three children make their home in the countryside of North Georgia.


  1. Where did you grow up and where do you live now?

    I grew up in the northern suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia. My father is from a rural town south of the city, and my mother is from Texas. As such, though I was raised in Georgia, my “expat” mother ensured my siblings and I were raised with a healthy love for all things Texas. I’ve since lived in multiple states and countries, yet decided a few years back to return home, and now my wife and I are raising our three children just a few miles from where we grew up.

  2. What drew you to join this project with Dwell?

    I was a backer of the original Kickstarter and have had a love for the Dwell mission from day one. A few years back, I had the opportunity to come on board full-time with the Dwell team, which has been an incredible honor and joy. In my opinion, Dwell Daily represents a first step into the long-term future of Dwell. While “on-demand” access to Scripture through a wide range of self-guided plans and playlists will always be a part of our identity, we believe there is an incredible opportunity for us to encourage deeper engagement and formation in and through Scripture in the form of guided experiences that are led by faithful and trustworthy Christian leaders.

  3. What is your favorite story or character in the Bible?

    I have always been deeply fascinated by King David. As a child, I was drawn to the stories, such as his battle with Goliath, his friendship with Jonathan, or his decision to spare Saul’s life. Yet as an adult, I now take great solace and comfort in his Psalms and his example of a life of repentance, contrition, and trust in the goodness and mercy of God.

  4. Do you have a favorite verse of Scripture?

    For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 2 Cor 4:6 (ESV)

  5. What is one thing you hope the Dwell community gains through this new content? 

    It is my prayer that these experiences lead people into a deeper encounter with God through his Word. By learning to attentively listen and prayerfully respond, these experiences invite us deeper into an abiding life with Christ, one in which we are able to experience his love, anytime and anywhere.